Precision-Guided Dosing

PPKIFX Logo - Now Available + Coming Soon

Take an evidence-based approach to treatment planning

The informative PredictrPK IFX test report arms you with the evidence to validate your treatment plans, estimates alternative doses and intervals to achieve therapeutic targets, and serves as an educational tool during treatment management conversations with your patient.

With precision-guided insights, you can increase the likelihood of achieving therapeutic targets

Test Report Cover with sections labeled (no shading) (1)

*PredictrPK IFX is validated for use in steady-state maintenance IBD patients who have had been treated with IFX for at least 14 continuous weeks (e.g. no drug holiday, missed infusion, etc.). Serum samples can be collected ≥ 20 days after their last IFX infusion up to and including the next IFX trough.

Section 1: Patient information at last infusion

Informed treatment management decisions begin with accurate and reliable information on your patient’s current treatment regimen.

Prominently displayed in the PredictrPK IFX test report header, you can quickly reference key details of your patient’s current infliximab treatment at the time of their last infusion prior to testing:

  • Derived Dose in mg/kg
  • Dose Total in mg
  • Weight in kg
  • Dosing interval in weeks
  • Date of last infusion
Test Report - Patient Info

Section 2: Current Results & Alternate Estimated IFX Concentrations

In the table on the left, the PredictrPK IFX test report provides your patient’s current infliximab exposure as well as powerful insights into the trajectory of therapeutic drug levels. In this table you will find:

    • Measured serum drug and anti-drug antibody levels at the time of sample collection
    • Estimated serum drug trough level with current dose and interval.

The table on the right labeled “Estimated IFX concentration at alternate doses/intervals” provides valuable information regarding actionable treatment changes that may increase the likelihood of achieving specific therapeutic treatment targets. Organized by dose and interval this section outlines:

    • Patient-specific, estimated serum drug trough levels at alternative dose and interval combinations
Test Report - Results

Section 3: Pharmacokinetic Drug Clearance Graph and IFX Maintenance Targets

The “Estimated serum IFX concentration” graph is a visual depiction of your patient’s unique pharmacokinetics and can serve as a useful education tool to facilitate dialog with patients about their dosing options.

The “IBD maintenance IFX targets at trough” table serves as a reference of recently published studies summarizing target trough levels to increase the likelihood of achieving therapeutic outcome goals. While not prescriptive or patient specific, this table may serve as a guide when determining what IFX trough concentration may be most beneficial for your patient.

In the table labeled “Estimated timepoints at which IFX concentration drops below specified targets” you will find estimated time points, given in weeks following their last infusion, at which drug concentrations will fall below 15, 10 and 5 μg/mL targets.

Test Report - Graph
Test Req Arrow